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Parking is available on S Trolley Pl. (your best bet), off Culver Blvd, or on Pacific Ave.

Please plan to arrive early to find parking and consider carpooling if possible. If you need assistance finding the location, don’t hesitate to text me at 310-740-4869.

The topic of discussion this month is the Discipline of Prayer!

Prayer plays a vital role in a godly man's life. Prayer is not just a ritual but a profound communication with God that nurtures our relationship with Him. It is about expressing our dependence on God, seeking His will, and aligning ourselves with it. This discipline encourages us to make prayer a consistent part of our daily life, not just in times of crisis but as a continual practice of reflection, supplication, and gratitude.

Our discussion will be led by Steve Lounsbury, our Men's Ministry leader.
(If you want access to the book & chapter, reply to this email and I'll send you the link)

Breakfast Menu:
  • Turkey & Chicken Sausage
  • Waffles
  • Oatmeal packets (Add hot water)
  • Orange juice 
Please RSVP by clicking on this link: Men's Ministry Meeting RSVP
Breakfast Sign-Up